ABOUT $DoraPepe

Are you bored with the same old meme coins?

DoraPepe is tired of watching everyone play hot potato with the endless derivative Inu coins. The Inu’s have had their day. It’s time for the most recognizable meme in the world to take his reign as king of the internet.

DoraPepe is here to make memecoins great again.LP burnt and contract renounced, $DoraPepe is a coin for the people, forever. Fueled by pure memetic power, let $DoraPepe show you the way!

$DoraPepe Team



Q1 2024.6

  • Website
  • Contract
  • Audit
  • AMA
  • NFT Design
  • Twitter Shilling

Q2 2024.7

  • MEME Contest
  • DoraPepe Meta
  • DoraPepe Exhibition
  • Marketing Package
  • 3000 Holders
  • 1M Initial M.cap

Q3 2024.8

  • MEME Trending
  • Dora x DoraPepe
  • DPRC20 MemeChain
  • 10000 Holders
  • 20M Initial M.cap



  • Download & setup MetaMast Wallet

    Download MetaMast

  • Buy and send BNB to MetaMast / OKX

    Buy BNB on an exchange (i.e. Binance, Kraken, Coinbase etc.). Transfer the tokens to your BNB wallet address.

  • Head on to PancakeSwap and swap for $DoraPepe

    Click here to head on over to PancakeSwap or use the address 0xcdEBD6c2fF279A89e2a6f6258db8eB5e9F821F6f to select $DoraPepe.

  • View $DoraPepe and HODL

    Swap BNB for $DoraPepe. Now you can see $DoraPepe in your wallet. Lastly HODL!